Getting new clients is more difficult than retaining previous clients. That’s why you must concentrate on retaining previous clients. Also, having a good client retention rate ensures word-of-mouth marketing as when people are satisfied with your products and services, they are more likely to spread the word out. This is almost like free marketing for your business! Repeating clients build trust and if your clients have faith in your brand and are happy with your services (and getting value out of it) at offered prices, there is hardly any other reason for not choosing your business to meet their requirements in the near future. So, as a brand seeking immense growth, you must pay close attention to your client retention rate. There are many reasons why clients might not get involved with your business in the future which you can strictly not control, like change in user behavior, financial issues, and so on. However, do not let your clients leave your business because of mistakes made from your end. You can by no means make each and every client happy because everyone is different and so is their satisfaction level, but what you can do is, try to minimize the churn rate of your business so that not only the old clients stay with you for years but new clients get connected to your corporation as well. 

In today’s blog, Talisma Corporation will tell you about 5 Customer Retention Systems and we would also like to throw some light on how CRM shines the most among all these software solutions. So, stick around and continue reading further for more valuable information. 

Chat Messenger Bots 


Gone are the days when there used to be simple and to-the-point interactions with clients. Nowadays, clients want a personal touch to everything. In such cases of adding a dash of personalization to each and every text sent by your organization, Chat Messenger Bots can come handy. Now, you might ask how these AI bots can help in regaining or retaining customers. Well, there are a lot of advantages of using Chat Messenger Bots (either for Facebook or WhatsApp) to interact with clients as these bots are automated and will give your clients only quick and relevant replies which ensure that your clients are never disappointed with your services. Chat Messenger Bots are 24*7 so there’s no issue of retaining international clients as well. 

Email Marketing System 


If you deal with B2B clients then this tool is more than vital for you. However, nowadays even B2C businesses are using Email Marketing Systems so technically this tool is downright universal. This system helps you in staying connected with your clients so that you can inform them about your future newsletters and offers on time. You can send reminders to your clients which is pretty much cool as that will make them remember your brand. 

Customer Service and Support Support Software 


This tool comes into play in various ways. In short, this system helps in converting your unhappy clients into happy ones by resolving their complaints efficiently and on time and improving the CX in the long run. 

Customer Loyalty Program System


This is by far the most interesting Client Retention Tool. Customer Loyalty Program Software keeps track of repeat purchases and automatically rewards the clients in terms of coupons, promo codes, and points so that they are encouraged to redeem the same and buy more from your brand.  

Customer Feedback Tool


Constructive feedback is very necessary for a business to grow. Through customer surveys offered by this amazing tool, you gain customer insights that can further help you in improving your products and services and in turn, client retention rate. 


Why CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is the winner among all the above-mentioned Customer Retention Systems?

The simple answer would be because it has all the features of the previously mentioned tools! A CRM Software Solution can provide chat support, send automated emails, offer 24*7 client support, incorporate loyalty programs, and gain customer insights. 


So, reduce the churn rate and embrace active growth in your business with CRM Software Solutions offered by none other than Talisma Corporation. Talk to us for more information and a Free CRM Demonstration.