Intelligence is a very vast concept and has a lot of types. But, in a nutshell, Intelligence is the ability to solve complex problems with given data using one’s skills or expertise. The hottest topic to talk about is CI aka Customer Intelligence. Customer Intelligence has attained its relevance in the field of business. This surely makes perfect sense as businesses run because of clients/customers and so we must know what they want to serve them with the best of our abilities.

In this blog, Talisma Corporation, the prominent Sales CRM Software provider will enlighten you about CI (Customer Intelligence) and how the integration of this important component with CRM can change the face of sales. So, stay tuned and continue reading further to learn something new today.

CI (Customer Intelligence): What is it all about?


Customer Intelligence is the process of obtaining and analyzing customer data in order to facilitate better service and form deeper relationships with the customers. This goes without saying but still must be explained that you can’t serve someone when you do not know what he or she wants or else you will go out of business. Through CI, you get to know the trends and how people are responding to them. For instance, during the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the sale of immune-boosters, face masks, and disinfectants (alcohol-based hand sanitizers, surface cleaners, and so on) went drastically up. People splurged a good portion of their paychecks on Covid essentials. Such commodities were so much in demand that companies that previously sold products belonging to a different category now started selling Covid-hygiene supplies. Well, they used Customer Intelligence and so should you.

Integrating CRM with Customer Intelligence for Sales Augmentation


Customer Intelligence is something vital for running any business successfully these days. When integrated with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software, the advantages become double the amount than normal.

Let’s look at the below points to establish the eminence of CI in CRM Software for improving sales figures.

Provides a 360° Customer View

Through CI, businesses can learn about their customers’ likes and dislikes, interests, and so on. When you combine CI with CRM, you can even predict the future buying behavior of your target audience. Most people do not understand but knowing future consumer behavior is equally important in a business. For instance, if a lady is pregnant today, she will definitely buy baby products tomorrow, like baby food, baby clothes, toys, diapers, strollers, breast pumps, and so on. Another example would be, if a woman has done hair rebonding (permanent straightening of hair) today, she will most likely be on a quest for straightening hair shampoos and conditioners to keep the expensive treatment intact.

Builds Long-term Customer Relationships


When you know inside-out of your target audience, you can approach them better and retain them efficiently by providing nothing but relevant products and services delivered by your brand. This way you improve your business relationships like a pro. Thanks to the CI feature in the CRM Software.

Encourages Sound Business Decisions


In any good CRM, you get legit business insights that are dependent upon CI. With the help of those valuable insights, you can modify or upgrade your marketing and sales strategies in order to get qualified leads.

Fosters 24/7 Superb Customer Support


Many of us are familiar with CRM Software’s unique ability to speed up customer service and support. When you already know what your customers are looking for, you do not waste time asking them too many questions and hence can fulfill their requirements leading to fewer customer queries. Even if you get any complaints, you are able to resolve them with the help of your CRM System and improve CX (Customer Experience), something great for improving future sales figures.

Boost your sales statistics with Talisma Sales CRM Software. This CRM process delivers accurate CI to enhance CX and brand loyalty. Have a chat with our Team to ask for a Free CRM Demonstration