Talisma’s Bona Fide Guide to Lead Management

We got Leads!! This three-word sentence can bring a smile to the face of any marketing or salesperson. Getting leads is no less than good news as more leads increase your chances of acquiring a good number of conversions or sales and that is exactly your prime business goal.

In today’s blog, Talisma Corporation, one of the celebrated lead management software providers will project its bona fide guide to Lead Management. Keep reading further to gain valuable information about the subject.

What do we mean when we say Lead Management Process?


As most of us already know, leads are the ones who have shown interest in a particular product/service offered by a respective brand. The leads are none other than prospective clients and hence must be managed in the most professional fashion.

When we say Lead Management, we mean it to be a process that entails the acquisition, tracking, nurturement, and distribution of the leads so that they become customers/clients in the long run. So, yes, the Lead Management Process is a definitive operation that makes conversions a piece of cake.

Why Lead Management is all-important?


Undoubtedly, without proper Lead Management, things would go astray. There would be a lot of confusion and no conversions. Here are some pointers that prove the vitality of Lead Management.

Helps in adopting the right strategies



Lead Management tells you which platform is generating more leads and where your leads stand in the sales funnel so that you can adopt proper marketing and sales strategies appropriately.

Identifies Unqualified Leads




Lead Management helps to filter out unqualified leads so that you can allocate your valuable time on qualified leads for the sake of more revenues.

Improves CX


Having proper data-driven Lead Management Software can actually help you build personalized relationships with your leads that turn into clients by allowing you to provide prompt customer support at once. This improves CX and increases brand loyalty.

Brings more Sales


Since you are devoting all your time to qualified leads, you immediately bag more conversions and hence revenues. The unqualified leads are nurtured and then sent for final distribution after their qualification. So, what do you get? Sales and only Sales!

Various Stages of Lead Management Process

Lead Management can be encapsulated into the following general stages:

Lead Generation

The first step is by all means Lead Generation. You have to generate leads first if you want to step into the other stages. You can generate leads through social media sites, Google Ads, forums, and so on.

Lead Acquisition

Your lead generation campaigns have generated leads but you need to acquire them so that you can sell your products and services effectively.

Lead Tracking

You might get numberless leads as a response to your lead generation strategies but which leads need nurturing and how many of them can actually turn out to be future clients? To find that out, you must track and score your leads so that you can go through the next stages.

Lead Nurturement

It might be that most of the leads you have found do not know much about your products and services but can turn out to be your best buyers after your little effort. For instance, if you sell eco-friendly products but you have found leads that do not care about climate change much but did find your products interesting then it would be a good idea to make them realize the importance of eco-friendliness in today’s world. This way you can ensure that they become your customers even in the future.

Lead Distribution

The leads you have got must be distributed to the right person as soon as possible or else the person who is interested today might not be interested tomorrow due to late or no response from your team.

Lead Management in CRM

Lead Management

Everything becomes efficient with automation, also you cannot expect your marketing and sales team to manage 5000 and above leads manually in a day. That’s when CRM and lead generation systems come into the picture. CRM makes Lead Management as easy as ABC. CRM offers a host of advantages to uplift client relationships so of course, it takes care of the lead management process like duck soup. Through CRM Software, you can execute all the mentioned lead management stages faster and without fail.

It is a good idea to invest in CRM Software Solutions as they provide a diverse range of advantages, like customer segmentation, data analytics, flawless customer support, sales insights, and much more. Have a conversation with Talisma Corporation to get your hands on the most advanced CRM Software. Get a 100% Free Software Trial and allow your business to reach new heights.

2021-07-21T05:48:14+05:30July 13th, 2021|

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